Sisters of Yemanjá
Sisters of Yemanjá
waterritual for sisters
Sisters of Yemanja Ritual for water sisters In this Oceanlight ritual we honor the Goddess of the Sea: Yemanjá. Yemanjá is the protector of all women and children. She gives unconditional love and healing.
During this special sisterwork we will be salvaged all day in warm water of 35.5 degrees. The warm water brings us into a pure state of being. Experience how Yemanjá, the other sisters, the water and the warmth will carry and support you with unconditional love. Welcome the stillness inside of you in which all vulnerability may be.
February 2 is the day on which Yemanjá is honored, especially in South American countries, the Caribbean and West Africa.
Together we will do a Water Ritual for Yemanjá to connect with this beautiful Goddess and to feel her power in us.
This day is all about connection, song & sound, honoring Yemanjá and ourselves to bring light into the collective field. What we are healing in ourselves, we heal for the greater whole.
Please wear your most beautiful Goddess dress for the water for this splendous day.
Photo: Tanne de Lange
In the wellnessbath of Center du Lac in Pijnacker.
Center du Lac is a wellness-center located near The Hague, Zoetermeer and Rotterdam. The entrance to the sauna is not included, but feel free to visit the sauna after this event.
Date & time
Thursday 2 February 2023 from 10.00 tot approximately 15.00 o'clock.
The price of this ritual is 111 euro. A small vegatarian lunch is included.

Your host
This ceremony is hosted by Nadine from Oceanlight rituals.