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Back Massage

Time for Embodiment

Body-conscious massage rituals from Oceanlight. Allow yourself to be carried away by the flowing undulating movements to a deep relaxation of body, mind & spirit.
You can let go of everything that is no longer needed.

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Your massage

supports the ocean

Lomi Lomi

Lomi Lomi is a healing massage form from Hawaii. Lomi Lomi is a healing massage ritual from Hawaii. Wavy, rhythmic movements bring you into total relaxation.​​


Surrender. Let go of control. Be pure. The water, the warmth and the feeling of being completely carried will bring you into a different consciousness.


Tender Touch Technique to release stored emotions, tension and stress from our body.



 Ho'oponopono & Cacao ceremony

On Sunday afternoon, November 24th, Oceanlight is organizing another Ho'oponopono cacao ceremony. The Ho'oponopono is a ritual to bring harmony: "making the right more right." This begins with yourself. The outer world is a reflection of your inner world. During the ceremony, cacao helps us open our hearts and bring us closer to our feelings. We will delve deeper into the meaning and history of Ho'oponopono, and you will have the opportunity to do healing work for yourself as well as for your ancestral line.

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